Garage door problems
04/04/2014 Back To BlogWill I Ever Need This Information?
Yes! If you are a home owner, or even just a home renter, then you know probably better than anyone that no matter how much your try to prevent it, things go wrong in your homes. Parts break down, machines fail, remotes stop working. This goes for garage doors and garage door motors as well. These doors are used often and the process of opening and closing multiple times a day can lead to break downs and unexpected problems that you, most likely, are unfamiliar with. While a company like garage door repair Indian Rocks Beach knows the problem and its correct fix, you and other similar home owners probably do not. Here are some of the most common problems that plague roll-up and overhead doors.
Common Problems:
Some problems have to do with the way the door opens, others with how it closes or maybe the garage door parts are squeaking and popping, making noises that do not sound healthy. You will see that with garage door repair the fixes are all very common and center on just a few of the many parts that operate your door.
One of the most common problems reported is that the door is jammed. This has happened to many people quite a few times and probably has happened to you as well. If the door is jammed then there are three common and possible problems. You either have a spring issue, a cable issue or a track issue. If it has to do with the spring or cable then you will need to seek more technical help or advice but if it is the track then the fix is quick and easy. The track can become bent very easily, if it does just straighten or adjust the track. This should fix the jam and get your door working smoothly. A bent track can also be the problem when the door will not close all the way, which is another very common problem. Another issue seen all the time is that the door will not stay open. This is a spring problem but one of the more simple ones. It can be fixed just by adjusting the springs on the doors. What if your door squeaks? The answer is to preform lubrication maintenance, more commonly known as lubing the door with motor oil. Now you know some of the common problems and some quick fixes that could come in handy.